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may contain eggs and tree nuts

Monthly Bakery Box

Monthly Bakery Box

Treat yourself to a delightful surprise with an irresistible She Loves Cake Gluten-Free Bakery box!

Available in two sizes, each box is crafted to satisfy your sweets cravings and bring a touch of joy to your day.

Small Box: a delightful assortment of 4-6 tasty treats (2 or more different items)

Large Box: a bountiful collection of 12+ delectable goodies (4 or more different items)

Each box is a treasure trove of sweet sensations, featuring everything from freshly baked muffins and scones to scrumptious cookies, mini pies, luscious cupcakes, or mini cakes. Expect a tantalizing mix of flavors and textures in every box!

All treats are crafted without gluten, wheat, dairy, soy, and peanuts, with nut-free options available upon request. Please note that most items do include coconut and organic palm shortening.

Choose the perfect option for you: purchase a single box whenever you crave a sweet treat, or subscribe and enjoy the convenience of having your goodies ready for you once month without lifting a finger. Plus, as a subscriber, you'll unlock exclusive bonus treats starting with your second box and continuing with each subsequent box!

box dates for fall/winter 2024
September 20th
October 18th (fall theme)
November 15th (thanksgiving theme)
December 13th (christmas theme)

Regular price $25.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $25.00 USD
Sale Sold out
Purchase options
$25.00 USD
$25.00 USD
  • Gluten-Free
  • Wheat-Free
  • Dairy-Free
  • Soy-Free
  • Peanut-Free
  • Made with love
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may contain eggs and tree nuts


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